Searching covenants & restrictions (General)

  • Covenants & restrictions are generally filed with new subdivisions (and can be found with the subdivision proceeding papers).
  • Covenants & restrictions can sometimes also be filed as separate documents. This is usually done if something is being amended, added, or was forgotten when the original papers were signed.
  • The most common way to search for covenants & restrictions is using the Last/Firm Name (field). Type in the name of the subdivision and click Show names Directory (as  opposed to just “Search”.) This makes the search more manageable.
  • Important: Clicking on the Property field (on the main home screen) will only give you subdivision information for documents recorded after May 5, 2003.
  • The next screen should list out all the “part numbers.” Years ago, the subdivision part number was not always indexed. If your search returns 40 listings for Windsor Ridge (and you’re looking for Windsor Ridge Part 5) be sure to examine the results for Windsor Ridge to make sure you’re not overlooking anything.
  • Important: Sometimes the part number is “spelled out” and sometimes it is a number (or Roman numeral). Be sure to look at all references.
  • Once you have check-marked your selections, it will “breakdown” the search results to show you book and page, legal descriptions, etc. From here you should look for any instance of Convenant or Subdivision (and sometimes Miscellaneous). Click on the “page count” to the right and it will bring up the document.
  • Important: At this time, images are only available from July 1, 2002 – forward. Copies of documents previous to this time period can be obtained by contacting our office.

Searching covenants & restrictions prior to November 1, 1983

  • Type the name of the subdivision into the Last/Firm (field) and then select Plats under Index Type select.
  • Click on Show Names Directory.
  • Select the documents you would like to view.
  • On the face of the plat, the Subdivision Proceedings should be crossed referenced in ink.
  • Important: Imaging and indexing of documents begin at November 1, 1983 (Book 670 Page 1). Any documents before that time are not imaged or indexed and can be obtaining by coming into the office. ALL plats are viewable on the web, regardless of date.