Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 9:00am – 10:00am

Hybrid – Physical location: Betty Sass (Admin Bldg. First floor Room)


Members Present:   Dawn Alam, Ethan Bettis, Gary Boseneiler, Brandon Davis, Sean Donaldson, John Hannaford, Paola Jaramillo, Fiona Johnson, Laurie Nash, Annie Nugent, Kyle Phillips, and Kelly Weston.

Next Meeting Date and Time:  Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Ice Breaker: Name Story.  Is there a story behind your first name?

Introduction of New Members:  Ethan Bettis and Kaitlin Schlotfelt from Auditor’s Office are new members.  Kyle Phillips is moving out of state.

Budget Balance:  $32,968.00.  John broke down the budget line items.

Strategic Plan Review and looking ahead Pt. 2:  Goal 1, Paola will look for attendance metrics to see how many DHEO’s or Supervisors attended and D & I training in the last year and how many trainings they attended.  Goal 2, Paola will arrange for 48 sessions of 1 hour focus group with Top Rank.  The groups are 50% virtual and 50% in person.  The groups will be line staff intra-departmental groups and DHEO intra- departmental groups.  Goal 3, Top Rank is proposing 2 manager workshops and 2 new employee workshops each quarter for a total of 16 training sessions.

We also discussed that the strategic plan should have long term goals and short term steps to reach those goals.

DI&I Symposium in Coralville – August 17, 2022 8 am – 1 pm.  6 participants currently with Public Health Department wanting to add some participants. Spots are still open if people are interested

Diversity Website:


  • ADA Awareness day article for JoCo Weekly
    • Gary Boseneiler
    • Deadline: July 21, 2022

Other items not on the agenda:   None.