Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Hybrid – Physical location: Betty Sass (Admin Bldg. First floor Room)

Members Present:  Ines Beltre, Brandon Davis, Sean Donaldson, Kathryn Edel, John Hannaford, Cindy Hudson, Shannon Innis, Paola Jaramillo, Fiona Johnson, Kristen Morrow, Annie Nugent, Jordan Plath, Kaitlin Schlotfelt, Tony Stammler (Tony is new and works in the City Assessor’s Office), and Kelly Weston.

Next Meeting Date and Time:  Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Ice Breaker: CARS – added certain car parts that represented a theme.  

Budget Balance:  $32,200.00

  • Expenditure:  10 person table at D&I Symposium in Coralville $750.00

Spectra Assessment Employee Report Review:  Will email the report to all employees, put on the employee intranet, and share parts in the JoCo Weekly.  Some answers will be grouped by theme.  Will highlights certain open-ended responses.  Some responses have already been shared with BOS and are in public record.  Highlight action items in the report.  One action item was listening sessions.  There will be 4 one hour sessions each month for 12 months and have 8-12 employees per session.  The groups will be employees from different departments but all on the same working hierarchy.  Cost is $44,400 and Paola will ask BOS for funding.  

Strategic Plan Update:  Reviewed what the group decided for the remaining 10 months of 2023.

Diversity Website:


Other items not on the agenda