Tuesday, April 11th, 2023, 9:00am – 10:00am


Members Present:  Dawn Alam, Ethan Bettis, Brandon Davis, Sean Donaldson, V Fixmer-Oraiz, Margarita Flack, John Hannaford, Shannon Innis, Paola Jaramillo Guayara, Fiona Johnson, Nikole Molina, Annie Nugent, Lynn Rose, BJ Salazar, Kaitlin Schlotfelt, Tony Stammler, Kelly Weston, and Haley Wilson

Next Meeting Date and Time:  Tuesday, May 9th, 2023 at 9 AM

Question of the Day: What is your favorite coffee shop order?

Budget Balance:  $27,060.02.  We didn’t have to pay for Qualtrics survey software this year, it was paid for by another dept.

D & I Committee Business

  1. Update on the engagement poster
      1. How long do we want to post it?  1 month
      2. JoCo Weekly blurb about the engagement posters and what they are for.
  2. Timeline for Pronoun Project deployment

Pronoun Timeline

Discussed pronoun stickers and placement of stickers on badges.

Info in JoCo Weekly about pronoun stickers.


  1. Lunch & Learn schedule:
    1. April – Public Health (Diverse Eating Habits).  Adding plant based foods into your diet.
    2. May – One Iowa LGBTQ 101,  Specific training for JoCo.
    3. June – Saved for Juneteenth.  Maybe documentary, or movie, or book reading, etc.
    4. July – Music/Arts
  2. Conversation about Community Engagement expenditures.  Since we were not able to have a structured granting process set up, award remaining funds to local groups that are having events this year.  IC Pride, JC Pride, Juneteenth, Asian Fest, and Powwow.  Paola proposed have a contract with each group to reimburse for expenses related to food, beverages, speaker fees.  Will offer $4,000 for each group, $2,500 for JC Pride (that is their top request amount).  When Paola has the contracts prepared, she will share with the committee.
  3. Earth Day/Week Celebration update.  Partner with Conservation Dept who will focus on indigenous people and their land in JoCo.  Posters and snacks.


Diversity & Inclusion Committee Intranet Site:

April Lunch & Learn: