Description Of Organization And Services

Rehabilitation Briarwood Health Care Center accepts Medicare and private insurance, providing a service to those who are recovering from a sudden illness or surgery. Each patient is evaluated by a team of nursing and therapy staff to create an individualized plan of care. The goal is to assist the resident in returning to the highest level of functioning possible. Rehabilitation Services... 24-Hour Nursing Services IV Meds Wound Care On-site Therapy (Occupational, Physical, Speech) Customized Nutrition Services Physician Visits Long-Term Care For those who are no longer able to care for themselves, the transition from home to a new place can be difficult. Briarwood Health Care Center eases this transition by getting to know each resident and incorporating cultures, family history and personal interests into daily care. Long-Term Services: 24-Hour Nursing Services On-site Physician Visits (Family Practice, Podiatry, Dental) Restorative and Exercise Programs Customized Nutrition Services Insurance Billing Hospice Services Because LIFE has Seasons……. The first day of school, graduation, marriage, kids, grandkids, retirement, it all happens so fast. In the midst of baseball games, vacations and doing the laundry unexpected illnesses or surgery could leave a family with difficult decisions to make. Briarwood Health Care Center is here to help, offering a variety of services to meet patient and family needs.

Andy Maas
Contact 2 Name
Tammy Smith

605 Greenwood Dr.
Iowa City, IA 52246
United States

Business Phone



Contact 319-338-7912 for more information.

Cost of Service

$231/day for a shared room $257/day for a small, single room $281/day for a private suite *Rates subject to change and will change on January 1 of each year

United Way Affiliate
Date Last Updated