Election called by public petition to fill city council vacancy, term expiring December 2007. McMahon was holding the seat by appointment.

David R. McMahon 130 (56%)
Shelley Allison 102 (44%)
write in 1

Registered voters: 842

8:00 final turnout: 233 voters (28%)

Polling place: 224 total - 104 on ballot reader, 120 on touch screen.
3:00 turnout: 108 voters (12.8%) - 70 on ballot reader, 38 on touch screen
11:00 turnout: 61 voters (7.2%) - 43 on ballot reader, 18 on touch screen.
9:00 turnout: 26 voters (3.1%) - 20 on ballot reader, 6 on touch screen.

Polling place: Lone Tree School, Cafeteria.  Polls open 7 AM to 8 PM.

Early voting: 9 ballots requested, all returned and counted. Auditor's Office 8, Mail 1.


  • July 7, 5 pm: Voter registration deadline.
  • July 14: Deadline to request mailed absentee ballot.  Requests must be received in our office by 5 p.m.