
There are numerous ways to volunteer your time. 
From collaborative leadership roles to serving in an educational and informational capacity to promoting safety, health and wellness, Johnson County Livable Community (JCLC) wants to help you put your volunteer skills and interests to good use. JCLC volunteers can apply their skills and experience in many ways:

  • Collecting and distributing timely, easy-to-understand resource information
  • Organizing and sponsoring educational programs to help older adults and their families find services and activities that help them navigate the aging experience
  • Serving a link to connect our rural communities
  • Working with community organizations on new approaches to meet age-related needs

Why Volunteer?

Volunteering benefits not only the recipients, it also gives you a sense of purpose and belonging. Creating an environment for successful aging is a personal and civic investment for a positive future with direct, cumulative benefits for the entire community. Volunteers who help and offer support to older residents are a critical component in building that environment. Applications to join JCLC can be found here.

Have additional questions?

Contact Rachel Carr, 319-356-6090, [email protected].